


摯愛的人們 :  Beloved Ones,


Youare now playing the waiting game, only you cannot discern thepurpose of your waiting. It is time to step up to the next level ofyour journey. The thing you are waiting for is your own remembranceof the magnificence you are. This remembrance is coded within youand it is connected to an event in your life that will or hasalready taken place. How you will know that yours has beenactivated is by the feeling you experience that there is nothing ofthe old world that holds any interest for you any longer. You aremore than ready to leave behind all the old programs and beliefsthat were not really yours to begin with. This readiness cansometimes be experienced as depression, lethargy and apathy, thefeeling that nothing will ever get better in your day to day lifeand that there is only chaos and dissolution that surrounds you.Know that when you are experiencing this, you will soon be movinginto a higher octave and frequency.


Whatis called for now is to foster the feeling of gratitude and praisefor every moment of your daily life. For every negating thought youhave, find 10 things in your life to be grateful for and praiseyourself for each one. Every time a self defeating thought surfacesfrom deep within, take the time to make a list of ten things thatare good and are working in your life, even if it seems mundane toyour perceptions. The point is to train your mind to think onlyempowering and nurturing thoughts so that you draw to yourself allthat you desire to experience in your daily life. The work thatmust be done now is to love and nurture your self. Each of you isvery good, even excellent, in giving to others what they need butit is now the time to daily do good to yourselves. This might seemlike a chore at first and you will likely feel it is a silly wasteof time but I assure you, Dear Ones, that it is crucial that youcontinue.


Inorder to live a magical life, you must BE the magic and you cannotBE the magic if you do not love and honor yourself first. A healthylove of self is required to create the life of your dreams. Youmust know and feel that you deserve the best life yet. You mustalso start on that path and get out of waiting mode, for it isyourselves that you have been waiting for, the divine within you isexperiencing life as YOU! You have all the resources you needwithin you and this need to be tapped into . This will require dailyperiods of quiet stillness so that you can connect to your coreessence. Even five minutes spent in stillness and meditation willreap many benefits for you and this practice will also raise yourfrequency level which needs to be maintained and sustained so thatyou can move to an even higher level.


Thereis always reward from the universe for sustained focus andcommitment on a daily basis. As you flourish in every facet of yourlife, the gap between cause and effect diminishes and the flow ofjoyous events in your life become manifest through the magic thatyou embody. As you let your former limitations drop away yourelease yet another area that allows greater life force to fillyou, nourish you and sustain you. In this ongoing releasing andcleansing process, you allow your Higher Self, your Soul, to becomea more powerful influence within you and your daily life begins toradiate your true brilliance in all aspects of it. This turn ofevents brings more gratitude and praise, more heartfelt enthusiasmand passion to well up within you and soon you will find yourselvesin a state of continual joy and bliss.


Thehigh spirits you experience will encourage you to stay on this pathand the thought of going back to lower density will be totallyrepugnant to you. It will also allow a powerful and joyful creativeenergy to fill you and work through you. The gifts you have carriedwithin your DNA are activated and turned on and you begin to shareyour gifts with others around you. You gain a clarity of mind thatis attuned to the promptings within your heart and you know alwaysthe right thing for you to do. These are some of the initialopenings that are now occurring and they will lead to even greaterabilities as they are processed. Expect the highest outcome in allthat you do and most important of all, BELIEVE inyourselves.

Untilnext week…   I AM Hilarion

譯者 U2覺醒
    創作者 豐盛屋宗教文物館 的頭像


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